Friday, May 6, 2016
Contact: DSES Office at 760.934.0791
Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra receives $6,400 Grant from Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation for Adaptive Sports Program
Mammoth Lakes, California – (May 6, 2016) – Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra (DSES) is proud to announce that we have received a $6,400 Quality of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. The award was one of 107 grants totaling over $735,482 awarded by the Reeve Foundation to nonprofit organizations nationwide that provide more opportunities, access, and daily quality of life for individuals living with paralysis, their families, and caregivers. Conceived by the late Dana Reeve, the program has awarded over 2,600 grants totaling over $19 million since 1999.
This Quality of Life grant has been awarded to DSES to support increased accessibility for our summer sport program participants. DSES will use this money to purchase an accessible paddle board. While most people are familiar with stand up paddle boards, they may not know that there is an opportunity for sitting athletes to enjoy this sport as well. This board will be accessible to athletes using wheelchairs in their daily life. The grant will also allow us to purchase adjustable seating for paddle sports which will make all paddle sports more accessible to athletes with mobility issues.
DSES is extremely honored to have received this grant from the Reeve Foundation. It is a huge achievement to be recognized by the Foundation and it will be a monumental bonus for our summer program, enabling even more athletes the ability to independently and safely recreate on the water! The equipment we purchase will be used at summer camps like Pedal~Paddle and the Wounded Warrior Operation High Altitude. We are extremely appreciative of the Reeve Foundation for their generosity and support of our program.
“The Reeve Foundation is committed to supporting programs and resources that foster independent living, improved health and community engagement,” said Donna Valente, Director, Quality of Life Grants, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. “The recognized grantees are instrumental to our work at the Reeve Foundation as we strive to serve the disability community with a roadmap of resources and programs to enhance their quality of life.”
Awarded twice yearly, grant requests were evaluated and scored based on a rigorous review process to determine funding for organizations that improve daily life for those living with paralysis, as well as their families and caregivers. This cycle, the Reeve Foundation strategically focused on projects that address the needs of people with paralysis living in underserved areas, designated as groups or county or civil divisions in which residents have a shortage of personal health services or face economic, cultural or linguistic barriers to healthcare.
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grants Program was created to address the myriad needs of children and adults living with paralysis, as well as provide assistance and education to their families and caregivers. Funded programs serve individuals living with paralysis caused by injuries, diseases or birth conditions, including but not limited to, stroke, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The grants support innovative initiatives that aim to increase quality of life by improving physical and emotional health, broadening community engagement, and increasing independence. Quality of Life grants are funded through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living (cooperative agreement number 90PR3001-01-00).
About the Reeve Foundation
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. We meet all 20 of the Better Business Bureau’s standards for charity accountability and hold the BBB’s Charity Seal. The Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) is a program of the Reeve Foundation, and is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (cooperative agreement number 90PR3001-01-00). For more information, please visit our website at or call 800-539-7309.
About Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra
We believe the freedom and exhilaration of outdoor challenges changes lives. No one should be left behind simply because of a disability! For more information contact our office at 760.934.0791 or visit
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Maggie Palchak
Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra
Rita Gentles
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
(973) 379-2690 ext. 7123
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